Join us New Year’s Eve for a night of prayer, worship and celebration into 2018!  Bring in the New Year with your NGWC family at our NEW location. Fellowship with New Generation as we close out the year 2017 in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving! The...

The women of New Generation Worship Center had an outstanding time as we hosted the “Find Your Shoes and Walk in Your Divine Purpose” weekend-long annual women’s conference right here in Dumfries, Virginia. At the conference we gathered with other women of faith to not only...

There is no CHRISTmas without Christ!   We will be having a special service on Christmas day as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please continue to support New Gen by attending this service and other upcoming December Events.   DEC 15 : Christmas Dinner Dec...

The Farewell Banquet was a time to honor the Hernandez Family for their hard work for not only New Generation but also for the Dumfries Community. The New Generation family would like to say thank you and send our blessings to the  Hernandez as they...

Each year New Generation holds an annual walk-a-thon to raise money that will be donated to St. Jude Children's Hospital. Take a look at some of the pictures from our event here!...

Mother's Day is a special day that should always be celebrated. Happy Mother's Day to every woman who plays an important role in a child's life from all of us here at New Gen. Click here to see pictures of our celebration....

Each February as we celebrate the many accomplishments of African-Americans, we not only take time to reflect on the past, but to plant a seed for the future. This year we had a moment of reflection from some of the original Tuskegee Airman, heard a spirit-filled...